Klik Play

Sabtu, 10 Oktober 2020
22 Safar 1442 H

12.00 PM – 4.00 PM

16, 183364, Jalan Prima 5/1
Taman Nusantara Prima
79200 Iskandar Puteri, Johor

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  • 阿祖安Selamat Menempuh hidup baru. Semoga menjadi keluarga yang sakinah, mawaddah dan warrohmah. Diberikan keturunan yang soleh dan solehah, diberikan limpahan rezeki yang berkat serta selalu berada di dalam lindungan juga kasih Allah swt.
  • HuwainaSelamat pengantin baru Qi. Semoga kehidupan anda dirahmati Allah di dunia dan akhirat. Thanks bos, you are great sifu and senpai
  • hafiz redtahniah rifqi dan isteri. till jannah. be a good husband and prepare physically and mentally. marriage need physical strength and communication. use engineering communication knowledge then you will be okay. xD its not easy at first since you need to change years of habit, therefore for this first few month, enjoy the moment and store the memory. when there are issue, revert the memories all the best buat bakal pengantin
  • AnonymousTahniah
  • DUNGANCant wait!! Congrats gal ❤
  • Fatin aka Fira Cute MeletopsUuuu tahniah Dewi and Rifqiiii I kenot wait for the day itself Semoga dipermudahkan urusan ktk dua kelak. Love you wieee


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